PinnedDreams Come To Those Who Dare To DreamThe paper hisses out of the printing tray but it gets stuck inside the machine’s frame. Mangu who is busy compiling the previous batch of…Oct 2, 2022Oct 2, 2022
An exploration of theological and sectarian inclinations in TafsirQuranic exegesis is a process that involves a variety of tools and methods to arrive at an interpretation. These methods range from…Oct 2, 2022Oct 2, 2022
Reflection On The Varieties of Religious Experience by William JamesIn the modern age, our methods of inquiry into existence are immensely shaped through a utilitarian imagination of reality. With the rise…Oct 2, 2022Oct 2, 2022
FragmentsI have fought under the bludgeonings of life. In darkness, without the trace of a soul’s eye.Oct 21, 2021Oct 21, 2021
Published inAnalytics VidhyaReddit : A gateway to fascination.From the rocks used in the making of the Acropolis of Athens to your neighbor’s 5 am thoughts, you can find virtually anything on the…Nov 20, 2020Nov 20, 2020
I.In the beginning I was one I. As I grew up this I became plural. Reality began to form around it with all the different I’s. And every I…Jun 24, 2020Jun 24, 2020
MishappeningsHe found himself somewhere in the parabolic plot of energy against displacement. The fundamental law of classical mechanics says that an…Jun 21, 2020Jun 21, 2020